I Got Attacked On Twitter For Calling Detroit Ugly So I Took A Second Look

So yesterday I wrote a blog titled, “I Genuinely Don’t Understand How Anyone Can Choose To Live In The City Of Detroit After Seeing This Drone Footage.” I thought it was pretty good. I took a few jabs at the landscape, made sure I let the readers know I wasn’t making fun of the people and kept it moving.

Full disclosure, there were a few lines that may have been a bit harsh. For example, saying parts of the city looked like war-torn Syria was, while true, a lot. As was saying the landscape resembled a “decrepit post-Chernobyl wasteland where you can buy a house for the price of a VCR.”

I published the blog and within minutes Detroit twitter, which is apparently stronger than the Beyhive, was up my ass telling me how big of an idiot I was. For the record, I am well aware that the video in the first blog didn’t capture the entire city, just the essence.

The responses made me wonder if I had gotten it wrong. Did I misrepresent the city? Is there more to see than abandoned factories and worn down houses? I did some research and it turns out there is. According to Trip Advisor, these are some of the city’s most popular tourist attractions.






Bell Isle Park – Which is actually pretty cool and not just because you can look across the water and pretend you’re in Canada. It has a zoo full of depressed animals, a museum on lakes, and an aquarium full of what I’m assuming are contaminated Flint-fish that if consumed by humans would result in future offspring being born with an extra limb.

Comercia Park – USA Today’s 20th best ball park in America (there are 30 total) and home to the mediocre AL Central Detroit Tigers.

 A house that once doubled as a recording studio. 

A building with zero description.


Detroit Town. 


A house covered in trash. 

A highschool auditorium. 

A tunnel. 


The cast of “Hardcore Pawn.”

They even have guided photography tour of Detroit’s abandoned buildings if you’re into that sort of thing.

There’s tons to do and I apologize for painting the city in a negative light. I’d love to visit, but after receiving such negative feedback on Twitter I don’t think I’ll be making the trip any time soon. Which is a shame because Large just wrote about how great the dining is.  Let me know if I missed anything so I can add it to the blog.

PS: Still need one of these for Detroit. 

PPS: I would totally visit where ever this place is.

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